Profit and Loss Book
What is a P&L Book?
Track the profit and loss of your trades in the P&L Book.
- All trades/orders in your account are updated real-time as and when the transactions take place.
- Filter your activities using filters such as strategies, instrument, brokers and date range.
- View data in heatmaps.
Summary Bar
The P&L Book shows the gross roi, which is your total profit and loss, the trading volume, which is the maximum traded volume to date, and the total trades, which is the total number of trades made to date.
Each box in the heatmap represents a day. For Gross ROI your P&L data is segregated in shades of green and red. Dark green denotes highest profit and red denotes maximum loss for that day. For Trading Volume and Total Trades, Your trades are segregated in shades of blue and white. Dark blue denotes the highest number of trades and white denotes no trades made on that particular day/week/month/year.
- Gross Roi
- Trading Volume
- Total Trades
- Filters will allow you to selectively search for a specific entry or multiple entries.
Search Bar: Search any trade using the search bar.
Country: The country dropdown lets you choose a country to filter and display content specific to that country.
Instrument: Select one or more instruments to display in the table below. These entries are populated as per the instruments on the strategies that were executed.
Strategies: Choose one or more strategies to display them in the table below. These entries are populated as per the strategies chosen by you.
Brokers: Choose one or more brokers to display them in the table below. These entries are populated as per the brokers chosen by you.
Date Range (Start Date & End Date): Give the date range to view the table for the selected strategy and instrument (if any).
The table covers the following fields:
Mode: Mode of the strategy.
Strategy: Name of the strategy.
Broker: Broker name.
Entry: Quantity, price, date & entry time of trade.
Exit: Quantity, price, date & exit time of trade.
P&L (% or INR): The P&L % or INR can be changed using the toggle option in the tools section in the top right corner. You can view the P&L in rupees or P&L percentage of the trade.
Sort Results
You can also sort the P&L Table by Strategy, Broker, Entry, Exit, P&L. Click on the respective column headings to sort results.
Refresh - If you can't see an entry in the table (perhaps the most recent one), click refresh to check again.
Settings - Select the columns that you want to view in this settings option.
Full Screen - With this option, you will be able to view your current tab on the browser in full Screen. To go back to the normal viewing mode click on it again. This is similar to pressing F11 on most browsers and operating systems.
Live/Test Mode
To check results for Live Trades or Backtest/Paper Trade results on a strategy, you can do this using Live/Test button.