Developer Options
You can use the Developer Options offered by the AlgoBulls Platform to create, load, test and execute your own strategies.
Create - Write your own strategy code in Python using the pyalgotrading package. Read the API documentation for this package to learn more!
Load - Write Python code in a Jupyter Notebook to upload your strategy into your AlgoBulls account for testing.
Test - Write Python code in a Jupyter Notebook to test your strategy into your AlgoBulls account for testing. Alternatively, login to the AlgoBulls Website to access your account and test your strategy.
See how to test using Python code | See how to test using your account
Execute - Write Python code in a Jupyter Notebook to execute Real Trading in your Portfolio using your strategy. Alternatively, login to the AlgoBulls Website to access your account and start Real Trading on your strategy.
See how to trade using Python code | See how to trade using your account
Checklist for Backtesting and Paper Trading
Activate a plan for your account. Learn More
Create your strategy using the pyalgotrading package or choose a readymade strategy from the pyalgostrategypool package.
Pick up the API Token from Developer Options Menu on the General Settings page of your account. Learn More
Upload your strategy into your account.
Now you can perform Backtesting and Paper Trading for your strategy using Python code or by logging in to your account.
- The API Token is used for all actions performed through Python code into your account. Actions include uploading a strategy, performing testing, running real trade, etc.
- Pick up the updated API Token periodically from your account if there is an error while executing your actions through Python code.
- Choose and activate an appropriate plan by visiting the Pricing page from your account.
Checklist for Real Trading
All points from the Checklist for Backtesting and Paper Trading mentioned above and
Add and Bind a broker on the Broker Settings page of your account. Learn More
Add the Aadhar and PAN details of the person to whom the broker account belongs to, on the General Settings page of your account.
Set up the Risk Management values, Max Drawdown Limit and Desired Profit on the General Settings page of your account. Learn More
- AlgoBulls reserves the right to suspend or deactivate your account without notice if your Aadhar and PAN details are not valid.
- Any plans which are activated will not be refunded and the lost days cannot be redeemed while the account is re-activated upon uploading the proper details.
API Documentation and Tutorial Resources
Indian Markets
For traders who wish to test their strategies on Indian Markets, or to execute Real Trading on Indian markets may do so directly after following the checklist above.
Other Markets
For traders who wish to test their strategies on other Markets, or to execute Real Trading on other markets, Kindly drop a mail to