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Short Strangle Strategy: Wider Profit Range with Controlled Risk


Introduction to Short Strangle Strategy

Anticipating stability but caught off guard by market swings? The Short Strangle strategy is built for range-bound conditions, allowing traders to sell out-of-the-money (OTM) call and put options. This approach provides a wider breakeven range while collecting premium. In this blog, we’ll break down how it works, risk management techniques, and ways to adapt it to different market conditions.

How the Short Strangle Strategy Works

1. Entry Criteria

Eligible Markets: This strategy is ideal for liquid indices like NSE’s NIFTY 50, NIFTY Bank, and US-listed options like QQQ, AAPL, and GOOGL which offer low bid-ask spreads for efficient trade execution.

Strike Price Selection: Short Strangles involve selling OTM Call and Put options positioned around the ATM, with adjustable width based on risk preference. Narrower strikes collect higher premiums but limit the profitable range, while wider strikes lower premiums but extend the breakeven zone.

Expiry Selection:

  • Weekly Expiry: Captures rapid theta decay and allows for frequent trades.
  • Monthly Expiry: Slower theta decay, offering stability and fewer adjustments (Theta decay and its impact on strategy duration is discussed later).

Lot Size & Positioning: The number of contracts (lots) traded is set within the strategy parameters, ensuring a structured approach to risk exposure.

Execution Parameters: The strategy is adaptable to various timeframes, but a 1-minute candle interval is recommended for precise monitoring and timely execution in response to market conditions.

2. Exit Rules & Re-Entry Strategy

The strategy exits when:

  • Profit Target Reached: Exits when the net premium declines below a set percentage, capturing gains.
  • Stop-Loss Triggered: Automatically exits when net premium surpasses a defined threshold to prevent significant losses.

Re-entry Conditions

Once an exit condition is met, the strategy re-enters using the same entry logic, ensuring continued participation in range-bound markets. Traders can also apply rolling adjustments to shift the short strikes further OTM if the market is trending unexpectedly.

Alternative Exit Strategies

  • Partial Profit Booking: If one leg moves favorably, traders can book profits on that leg while keeping the other open.
  • Time-Based Exit: Instead of a strict stop-loss, traders may exit after a certain percentage of the expiry period has passed.
Short Straddle Strategy FlowChart

Figure 1: Short Strangle Strategy Execution Flowchart

(Values align with the first sample in the upcoming Profit & Loss Calculations section)

This section covers the Python implementation of a Short Strangle with defined strike distance and automated risk control.

Selecting Instruments and Strikes for Entry

def strategy_select_instruments_for_entry(self, candle, instruments_bucket):
        selected_instruments, meta = [], []

        for instrument in instruments_bucket:
                f"Checking entry conditions for base instrument: {instrument} | "
                f"Determining OTM option instruments and verifying if CE/PE orders are already placed."
            leg_wise_list = [
                ("CE", self.child_instrument_main_order_ce.get(instrument)),
                ("PE", self.child_instrument_main_order_pe.get(instrument))

            for tradingsymbol_suffix, main_order in leg_wise_list:
                if main_order:
                    continue  # Skip processing if an order has already been placed for this leg

                self.options_instruments_set_up_all_expiries(instrument, tradingsymbol_suffix,  # Set up option instruments for available expiries
                child_instrument = self.get_child_instrument_details(instrument, tradingsymbol_suffix, OptionsStrikeDirection.OTM.value, self.number_of_strikes)  # Retrieve OTM child instrument details for the given instrument

                # Map the base instrument to its corresponding child instrument in the instruments' mapper. This allows tracking of relationships between base and child instruments for further processing.
                self.instruments_mapper.add_mappings(instrument, child_instrument)

                meta.append({"action": ActionConstants.ENTRY_SELL, "base_instrument": instrument, "tradingsymbol_suffix": tradingsymbol_suffix})

        return selected_instruments, meta

Code Explanation:

1. Setting Up Available Expiries:

self.options_instruments_set_up_all_expiries(instrument, tradingsymbol_suffix,
  • This function fetches the latest available option expiry dates and selects the most liquid expiry contract, which is by default the earliest monthly expiry as discussed before.

  • Uses real-time LTP (Last Traded Price) as an input, ensures that decisions are based on the most recent market price and not on stale data.

2. OTM Strike Selection Logic

The system dynamically selects OTM options based on a predefined strike distance from ATM:

child_instrument = self.get_child_instrument_details(
    instrument, tradingsymbol_suffix, OptionsStrikeDirection.OTM.value, self.number_of_strikes)
  • The self.number_of_strikes parameter controls trade-off between premium collection (lower strikes) and breakeven width (higher strikes).

3. Instrument Mapping for Order Tracking

self.instruments_mapper.add_mappings(instrument, child_instrument)
  • This is crucial for tracking base instruments and their option legs, ensuring that the system can later match which option belongs to which underlying security.

Creating an Order for a Position

def strategy_enter_position(self, candle, instrument, meta):

        child_instrument = instrument
        _order =, order_code=self.order_code, order_variety=BrokerOrderVarietyConstants.MARKET, quantity=self.number_of_lots * child_instrument.lot_size)

        if self.check_order_placed_successfully(_order):
            (self.child_instrument_main_order_ce if meta["tradingsymbol_suffix"] == "CE" else self.child_instrument_main_order_pe)[meta["base_instrument"]] = _order
            # Protection logic incase any of the legs fail to get placed - this will help avoid having naked positions
            self.logger.critical('Order placement failed for one of the legs. Exiting position for other leg, if possible and stopping strategy.')
            base_instrument = self.instruments_mapper.get_base_instrument(child_instrument)
            raise ABSystemExit

        return _order

Code Explanation:

1. Using Market Orders for Execution

_order =
    quantity=self.number_of_lots * child_instrument.lot_size)
  • Market Order ensures immediate execution at the best available price.

  • self.number_of_lots x child_instrument.lot_size guarantees that the correct lot size is executed, preventing mismatched order sizing.

2. Ensuring One-Sided Position Risk is Avoided

if not self.check_order_placed_successfully(_order):
    raise ABSystemExit
  • If an order fails to execute, the other leg (CE or PE) is forcefully exited to prevent unintentional directional exposure.

Exit Strategy: Understanding Stop-Loss and Profit Targets

def check_exit_condition(self, main_order_ce, main_order_pe):
        """ Determines if the strategy should exit based on stoploss or target. Returns True if exit condition is met. """
        ltp_ce =
        ltp_pe =
        total_ltp = ltp_ce + ltp_pe

        net_premium_cost = main_order_ce.entry_price + main_order_pe.entry_price
        stop_loss_premium = net_premium_cost * self.stoploss_multiplier
        target_premium = net_premium_cost * (1 - self.target_percentage / 100)

        self.logger.debug(f"LTP (CE) : {ltp_ce}, LTP (PE) : {ltp_pe}, "
                          f"Net Entry Premium : {net_premium_cost} | Current Net Premium : {total_ltp} "
                          f"Stop-loss Threshold : {stop_loss_premium} | Target Threshold : {target_premium}")

        target_profit_condition = total_ltp < target_premium
        if target_profit_condition:
            self.logger.debug(f"Target profit reached: Current Net Premium ({total_ltp}) dropped below Target Threshold ({target_premium}). Exiting position.")
            return True

        stop_loss_condition = total_ltp > stop_loss_premium
        if stop_loss_condition:
            self.logger.debug(f"Stop-loss triggered: Current Net Premium ({total_ltp}) exceeded Stop-loss Threshold ({stop_loss_premium}). Exiting position.")
            return True

Code Explanation:

1. Dynamic Calculation of Stop-Loss and Profit Targets

stop_loss_premium = net_premium_cost * self.stoploss_multiplier
target_premium = net_premium_cost * (1 - self.target_percentage / 100)
  • Stop-loss premium is calculated as a multiplication factor of the initial net premium (net_premium_cost x stoploss_multiplier).

  • Target premium is derived as a percentage-based reduction of the entry premium.

Why Is This Critical in a Short Strangle?

  • Without target/risk control, the trade may stay open too long, increasing overnight exposure. A structured exit mechanism reduces this risk.

2. Exit Conditions – Locking Profits or Cutting Losses

target_profit_condition = total_ltp < target_premium
if target_profit_condition:
    return True

stop_loss_condition = total_ltp > stop_loss_premium
if stop_loss_condition:
    return True

The conditions target_profit_condition and stop_loss_condition evaluates premium fluctuations in real time and triggers exits accordingly.

Validation in Short Strangles

def validate_parameters(self):
        """ Validates required strategy parameters. """
        check_argument(self.strategy_parameters, "extern_function", lambda x: len(x) >= 3, err_message="Need 3 parameters for this strategy: \n(1) NUMBER_OF_STRIKES \n(2) STOPLOSS_MULTIPLIER \n(3) TARGET_PERCENTAGE")

        # Validate number of strikes
        check_argument(self.number_of_strikes, "extern_function", is_positive_int, "Value should be positive integer" )

        # Validate expiry dates
        if len(self.get_allowed_expiry_dates()) != self.number_of_allowed_expiry_dates:
  "Allowed expiry dates: {self.number_of_allowed_expiry_dates}, got {len(self.get_allowed_expiry_dates())}. Exiting...")
            raise SystemExit

        # Validate parameters
        for param in (self.target_percentage, self.stoploss_multiplier):
            check_argument(param, "extern_function", is_nonnegative_int_or_float, "Value should be >0.0")

Code Explanation:

1. Ensuring Required Parameters are Present

Why It Matters:

For a Short Strangle strategy to function correctly, it requires three key parameters:

  • NUMBER_OF_STRIKES: Determines how far the options are from the ATM price.

  • STOPLOSS_MULTIPLIER: Defines the risk limit.

  • TARGET_PERCENTAGE: Specifies the profit-taking threshold.

If any of these parameters are missing, the strategy cannot execute as intended.

Validation Control:

check_argument(self.strategy_parameters, "extern_function", lambda x: len(x) >= 3,
err_message="Need 3 parameters for this strategy: \n(1) NUMBER_OF_STRIKES \n(2) STOPLOSS_MULTIPLIER \n(3) TARGET_PERCENTAGE")

2. Preventing Imbalanced Strike Widths

Why It Matters:

In a Short Strangle, traders must correctly define two different strike prices:

  • Out-of-the-Money (OTM) Call (higher strike).
  • Out-of-the-Money (OTM) Put (lower strike).

A missing or incorrectly set strike width could result in a Short Straddle instead of a Strangle, increasing risk.

Validation Control:

check_argument(self.number_of_strikes, "extern_function", is_positive_int, "Value should be positive integer")

✅ Ensures NUMBER_OF_STRIKES is a positive integer, preventing execution errors or unintended strategy misfires.

3. Handling Expiry Mismatches to Prevent Empty Positions

Why It Matters:

Short Strangles rely on short-term expiries to benefit from theta decay. However, if a broker’s API fails to return expiry dates, the system may attempt to execute trades that do not exist, causing capital stagnation.

Validation Control:

if len(self.get_allowed_expiry_dates()) != self.number_of_allowed_expiry_dates:"Allowed expiry dates: {self.number_of_allowed_expiry_dates}, got {len(self.get_allowed_expiry_dates())}. Exiting...")
    raise SystemExit

This also ensures trades are not placed on non-trading days.

✅ Automatically exits if expiry dates are missing, preventing capital lock-up.

4. Preventing Illogical Stop-Loss and Target Settings

Why It Matters:

In a Short Strangle:

  • Profit is limited to the premium received, but risk is theoretically unlimited.
  • Setting an unrealistic stop-loss or profit target could cause erratic trade behavior.

Risk Example:

If a trader accidentally sets:

self.strategy_parameters = {

Validation Control:

for param in (self.target_percentage, self.stoploss_multiplier):
    check_argument(param, "extern_function", is_nonnegative_int_or_float, "Value should be >0.0")

✅ Ensures STOPLOSS_MULTIPLIER and TARGET_PERCENTAGE are positive and realistic, preventing execution errors.

💡 Want to see the complete strategy? Check Out The Full Implementation Here!

Understanding the Short Strangle Strategy

The introduction explained the structural differences between a Short Strangle and a Short Straddle. Now, let’s explore how these strategies differ in terms of risk management, trade execution, and overall effectiveness.

  • Greater Flexibility in Strike Selection: A Short Strangle allows strike width adjustments, offering greater flexibility in risk exposure and premium collection.

  • Improved Volatility Tolerance: A Short Strangle is less sensitive to short-term volatility spikes compared to a Short Straddle, reducing the likelihood of being stopped out prematurely.

  • Wider Profit Zone: Since the strikes are positioned further apart, the breakeven range is naturally wider, making it more forgiving if the underlying asset moves unexpectedly.

  • Effect of Time Decay (Theta): The following graph illustrates how Short Strangles experience more gradual time decay (theta) compared to Short Straddles, making them more stable over time.

Theta Decay: Short Strangle vs. Short Straddle

Figure 2: Theta Decay: Short Strangle vs. Short Straddle

  • Traders who prefer a longer holding period may benefit from the slower time decay of a Short Strangle, while those targeting faster premium erosion may opt for a Short Straddle.

Conclusion: For traders who prefer to stay in trades longer, Strangles provide better theta stability than Straddles. However, choosing the right strike width and expiry is crucial to optimising returns. These features make the Short Strangle a preferred strategy for traders who prioritise lower risk exposure and a wider margin for profit, especially in low to moderate volatility environments.

Straddle vs. Strangle: Which Strategy is Right for You?

To determine whether a Short Straddle or Short Strangle is best for your market conditions, use the following decision tree:

Short Strangle/Straddle Decision Flowchart

Figure 3: Short Strangle/Straddle Decision Flowchart

How to Use This Decision Tree

  • If high volatility is expected, consider a directional strategy instead of selling options.

  • If the market is range-bound, determine if the range is tight or wide.

  • A Short Strangle is safer when IV is high as it benefits from IV contraction, while a Short Straddle is preferable when IV is low for higher premium collection.

  • In a moderate or wide range, assess your risk tolerance:

    • If you prefer a higher premium but more risk, choose a Short Straddle.
    • If you want lower risk and a wider breakeven range, a Short Strangle is the better option.

Using this framework can help traders align their strategy with current market conditions and individual risk preferences.

Other Market Conditions Where Strangles Work Best

While Short Strangles are ideal for range-bound markets, they also work well in specific scenarios, including post-earnings consolidations and mid-term trading.

  • Post-Earnings Plays: Stocks or indices tend to consolidate after earnings releases, making Strangles a great play.
  • Mid-Term Trading (Not Just Intraday): Strangles can be used for longer timeframes since their wider strike selection makes them more forgiving compared to Straddles.

Analysing the Short Strangles Payoff Diagram

The payoff diagram below illustrates the profit and loss dynamics of a Short Strangle strategy, covering both medium-risk and high-risk variations.

Profit and Loss Diagram: Medium vs High Risk Short Strangles

Figure 4: Profit and Loss Diagram: Medium vs High Risk Short Strangles

  • The green curve represents potential profit, peaking when the underlying asset remains near the ATM strike at expiry.
  • The red curve indicates losses, which increase as the price moves further from the strike.
  • Stop-loss levels (red horizontal lines) define automatic exit points to prevent excessive drawdowns.
  • Target profit levels (dashed green lines) mark early exit triggers when a set profit percentage is reached.

The following two calculations will be based on this diagram, illustrating profit and loss outcomes across different market conditions.

Profit & Loss Calculations

Medium-Risk Short Strangle Strategy

Key Parameters:

  • Target Profit (target_percentage): 30% of the total premium received

  • Stop-Loss (stop_loss_multiplier): 1.5 x the total premium received, capping the maximum loss.

  • Instrument: NIFTY Bank Index

  • ATM Options Expiry Type: Nearest Monthly Expiry

  • Strikes (number_of_strikes): 1 strike away from ATM (OTM Call & Put)


  • Total Premium Received:

    Premium from Call + Premium from Put = ₹400 + ₹400 = ₹800

  • Target Profit:

    800 × 0.3 = ₹240

    So, we exit when the profit reaches + ₹240.

  • Stop-Loss (1.5 x Total Premium Received):

    800 × 1.5 = ₹1200

  • Max Loss Capped at: -₹400 (since ₹800 was already received in premiums)

P&L Outcomes:

Underlying Spot Price P&L Without Stop-Loss Adjusted P&L (With Stop-Loss)
₹47040 (Price based on Target) +₹240 (Target Profit) +₹240
₹47200 or ₹48800 (Breakeven) 0 0
₹46800 or ₹49200 (Stop-Loss Triggered) Unlimited -₹400 (Capped)

If the price stays between ₹47200 and ₹48800, the trade remains profitable. Beyond ₹46800 or below ₹49200, the stop-loss limits losses to -₹400 (₹800 - ₹1200).

High-Risk Short Strangle Strategy

Key Parameters:

  • Target Profit (target_percentage): 40% of the total premium received

  • Stop-Loss (stop_loss_multiplier): 1.5 x the total premium received, capping the maximum loss.

  • Instrument: NIFTY Bank Index

  • ATM Options Expiry Type: Nearest Monthly Expiry

  • Strikes (number_of_strikes): 2 strikes away from ATM (OTM Call & Put)


  • Total Premium Received:

    Premium from Call + Premium from Put = ₹200 + ₹200 = ₹400

  • Target Profit:

    400 × 0.4 = ₹160

    So, we exit when the profit reaches + ₹160.

  • Stop-Loss (1.5 x Total Premium Received):

    400 × 1.5 = ₹600

  • Max Loss Capped at: - ₹200 (since ₹400 was already received in premiums)

P&L Outcomes:

Underlying Spot Price P&L Without Stop-Loss Adjusted P&L (With Stop-Loss)
₹47760 (Price based on Target) +₹160 (Target Profit) +₹160
₹47600 or ₹48400 (Breakeven) 0 0
₹47400 or ₹48600 (Stop-Loss Triggered) Unlimited -₹200 (Capped)

A Medium-Risk Short Strangle offers smaller but steadier profits, reducing stop-loss hits, while a High-Risk version has higher potential returns but a greater likelihood of reaching stop-loss.

To demonstrate how the Short Strangle strategy applies beyond indices, let’s analyse a trade on AAPL (Apple Inc.), a U.S.-listed stock, with wider strike selection and adjusted risk parameters.

AAPL Stock Short Strangle Strategy

Profit and Loss Diagram: AAPL Short Strangle

Figure 5: Profit and Loss Diagram: AAPL Short Strangle

Key Parameters:

  • Target Profit (target_percentage): 50% of the total premium received

  • Stop-Loss (stop_loss_multiplier): 2x the total premium received

  • Instrument: AAPL (Apple Inc.)

  • ATM Options Expiry Type: Nearest Monthly Expiry

  • Strikes (number_of_strikes): 5 strikes away from ATM (OTM Call & Put)


  • Premium Collected (Call + Put): $2.50 + $2.50 = $5.00

  • Target Profit: $5.00 × 0.5 = +$2.50 (Exit when reached)

  • Stop-Loss: $5.00 × 2 = $10, loss capped at -$5.00

Underlying Price P&L Without Stop-Loss P&L With Stop-Loss
$192.5 (Target Profit Price) +$2.50 +$2.50
$195 or $205 (Breakeven) $0 $0
$190 or $210 (Stop-Loss) Unlimited Loss -$5.00 (Capped)

Why Choose a Short Strangle Over a Short Straddle?

Feature Short Straddle Short Strangle
Strike Selection ATM for both call and put OTM for both call and put
Premium Collected Higher Lower
Risk Level Higher Lower
Breakeven Range Narrower Wider
Profitability Higher potential profits More stable returns

Customise the Strategy with Your Own Parameters!

Traders can fine-tune strike selection, expiry choice, stop-loss levels, and profit targets based on risk tolerance.

🔗 Test this strategy on the Phoenix platform of AlgoBulls Today! 🔍

🔗 A Jupyter notebook for this strategy is coming soon. Meanwhile, Check Out All Available Notebooks For Testing Custom Strategies! 🚀

Final Thoughts

Beyond standard exit mechanisms, traders can further refine risk control through rolling adjustments and structural modifications like converting to an Iron Condor. These adjustments help manage risk dynamically as market conditions evolve.

Advanced Risk Management

Short Strangles can be adjusted in two ways:

  • Rolling Adjustments:

    • Moves short strikes further OTM near expiry or when price nears a strike, widening the breakeven range while lowering potential income.

    • Reduces stop-loss hits but lowers premium collection.

  • Iron Condor Conversion (Risk-Defined Strategy):

    • Adds protective long options to define maximum risk while keeping a wide profit range.

    • Slightly reduces profit potential but provides a defined loss limit.

    • Iron Condor Setup:

      • Sell an OTM Call and an OTM Put (Short Strangle setup)
      • Buy a further OTM Call (above short call)
      • Buy a further OTM Put (below short put)

Before vs. After – Converting Short Strangle to Iron Condor

Strategy Max Loss Breakeven Range Premium Collected
Short Strangle Unlimited Wide High
Iron Condor (After Adding Protective Legs) Limited Slightly Narrower Lower

The Short Strangle strategy provides a structured approach for range-bound markets, balancing premium collection with controlled risk. Traders can select a higher-risk (greater exposure, increased premium) or lower-risk (limited losses, reduced premium) approach based on their risk tolerance.


The information provided in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute financial, investment, or legal advice. The views and opinions expressed are based on the interpretation by the author of this article 'Short Strangle Strategy: Wider Profit Range with Controlled Risk'. While we strive for accuracy, readers are advised to consult with regulatory authorities, financial experts, or legal professionals before making any trading or investment decisions. AlgoBulls is not responsible for any direct or indirect implications arising from the use of this information.